ESA Projects
STSE Antarctic Peninsula Mass Balance (June 2013 - June 2015)
Support To Science Element (STSE) - Antarctic Peninsula Mass Balance. ESA Study.
Project Website:
ESA GEOACCA (2014 - 2016)
Feasibility Study for Geo-location Assessment of Optical Sensors. ESA study.
ESA IAP - Improved Alpine Avalanche Forecast Service (2013 - 2014)
Integrated Applications Promotion (IAP) - Improved Alpine Avalanche Forecast Service (AAF). ESA Feasibility Study. Project website:
DUE GlobSnow-2 (2012-2014)
Global Snow Monitoring for Climate Research - follow on project. ESA Study, Contract: 4200021703.
EODC Water (2013)
Earth Observation Data Centre for Water Resources Monitoring. ESA Study, Contract: 4000107319.
AlpSAR (November 2012 - August 2013)
ENVEO is managing the AlpSAR campaign for testing the airborne Syntetic Aperture Radar (SAR) called "SnowSAR" as preparation for ESA's CoReH2O candidate Earth Explorer mission. Visit ESA's Campaign Blog to get the latest News.
GlacAPI - Multi-sensor analysis of glacier response to climate change on the Antarctic Peninsula (2012 - 2014)
The project work advances multi-sensor techniques for estimating glacier parameters from multi-sensor satellite data. It exploits the satellite data archives in order to solve urgent open questions on the dynamic response of polar glaciers to climate warming. Project website:
STSE - North Hydrology (2010-2012)
ESA Study, Contract 4000101296/10/I-LG
AlgoSnow (2011-2012)
Algorithms for Snow and Land Ice Retrieval using SAR data. ESA Study, Contract 4000103180/11/NL/CT
ESA CoReH2O E2E (2011)
CoReH2O End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator. ESA Study, Contract 4000101698/10/NL/JC.