EC Projects
HORIZON ERC Grant – GLOBE: The Greenland Subglacial Lake Observatory (2024 - 2029)
The project advances the ability to detect, monitor, forecast and understand the dynamics of active Greenland subglacial lakes at scale using very high resolution satellite data, developing new methods to exploit them and develop deep learning and statistical forecasting methodologies.
Project Team: University of Lancaster (PI); ENVEO IT GmbH; University of London; Greenland Guidance
EEA - Providing advice on Snow and Ice monitoring pre-implementation phase (2018)
The aim of this study is to provide support and advice for EEA in the preparation of procurement documents for the production phase of snow and ice products, by assessing the readiness and mitigation of risks associated with cloud masking strategies and setting up a QA/QC framework for snow and lake ice products.
Project team: SYKE (PI), ENVEO, FMI
Contract EEA/IDM/R0/18/006
CryoLand - The GMES Service Snow and Land Ice (Feb 2011 - Jan 2015)
CryoLand is aimed at developing, implementing and validating a standardized and sustainable service on snow and land ice monitoring as a Downstream Service within GMES in a value added chain with the Land Monitoring Core Services. The service will provide geospatial products on the seasonal snow cover, glaciers, and lake / river ice derived from Earth observation satellite data in response to user needs. Operational processing lines and service infrastructure for various product types will be developed on top of existing Web service environments supporting the publication, provision and chaining of geospatial data services. User information services offering interactive maps, search and order functions via Web browsers will be designed in a corporate “CryoLand Geoportal”. Full end to end system tests and verification in pre-operational environment will be performed in cooperation with users in near real time. Finally the transition of the services developed within the project to an operational self-supportive snow and ice monitoring service is planned.
Project coordination: ENVEO; Contributing partners: FMI, SYKE, SMHI, NORUT, NR, EOX, KSAT, NMA, GAMMA
Products are provided through the CryoLand GeoPortal:
Project Home Page:
EC FP7 - SEN3APP (Dec 2013 - Nov 2016)
Processing Lines and Operational Services combining Sentinel and In-Situ data for terrestrial Cryosphere and Boreal Forest Zone. EC FP7 project.
Project coordination: FMI; Contributing partners: ENVEO, SYKE, GAMMA, VTT
Products are provided through the CryoLand GeoPortal ( and the FMIARC GeoPortal (
Project website: