The company's success is based on its highly motivated and qualified staff who are very concerned in research to keep track of the newest academic findings and technical developments. Our team comprises experts in environmental sciences with a strong technical background and excellent computing skills. Best premises in order to always offer innovative solutions at the present state-of-the-art.
The management of ENVEO is in the responsibility of the following board:
Dr. Thomas Nagler - CEO. Prior to founding ENVEO in 2001, Thomas worked as post-doctoral fellow on numerous remote sensing related international research projects for over a decade. He has a broad experience in application development using remote sensing technology for environmental monitoring. He has successfully led and contributed to contracts for ESA, EC, the Austrian Space Agency and commercial companies in the field of remote sensing, hydrology and meteorology. Thomas holds a PhD in natural science from the University of Innsbruck. He is Member of IEEE, Co-chairman of LISSIG / EaRSEL, chairman of LPVE / Snow. |
AO Univ. Prof. Dr. Helmut Rott - CEO. Helmut was one of the founders of ENVEO in 2001 and is CEO at ENVEO. He was professor in remote sensing at the University of Innsbruck. In this position Helmut has led many successful contracts for ESA and EC as prime contract manager and has served as evaluator and advisor on remote sensing programmes for various space agencies and science organisations in Europe and overseas. His experience in project management and in-depth knowledge of remote sensing issues are invaluable to ENVEO. He is Member of the International Academy of Astronautics and Life Fellow of the IEEE. In 2014 he received the International Fellow Award of Germany’s Helmholtz Association. |