EUMETSAT SEDOS-2 - Snow Cover / Extent Demonstrator from Optical Sensors – Follow on Activities (2024 - 2025)
The project develops a method and system for generating snow cover products from the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) Flexible Combined Imager (FCI), exploiting the high temporal observation capabilities of geostationary optical sensors.
Project Team: ENVEO IT GmbH (PI), Finnish Environment Institute
Project Contract Number: EUM/CO/24/460000282).
EUMETSAT SEDOS - Snow Cover / Extent Demonstrator from Optical Sensors (July 2019 - July 2021)
The area extent of the seasonal snow cover is a key parameter for a wide range of applications in meteorology, climate monitoring, global change research, hydrology, water management and ecology. This study develops and implements a prototype processing system for generation of snow extent products from EPS METIMAGE. The prototype system is demonstrated and evaluated using data of the optical sensors of Sentinel-3 featuring similar spectral imaging bands as METimage.
The primary objectives of this study are
- Develop, implement and validate an algorithm and prototype system to prepare for the generation of snow extent products from METimage which will be flown on EPS-SG, and FCI onboard of MTG.
- Demonstrate and evaluate the developed methods and prototype system using data of the optical sensors SLSTR and OLCI onboard of Sentinel-3 featuring similar spectral imaging bands as METimage. This task will include the generation and validation of a 1-year time series of daily snow cover products over Europe.
- Demonstrate the operational capabilities of the prototype system by generating a time series of Pan-European snow products from Sentinel-3 data in Near Real time.
Project Team: ENVEO IT GmbH (PI), Finnish Environment Institute
Project Contract Number: EUM/CO/19/4600002234/BBo Order Nr. 4500017847
EUMETSAT OSMON - An automatic tool for assessing and anaylsing the geolocation accuracy of medium resolution optical sensors (November 2018 - November 2020)
OSMON develops, implements and demonstrates the use of a platform independent modular software tool for assessing and monitoring the geolocation accurary of medium resolution optical sensors, expanding on proven technology and providing robust algorithms. The tool supports Level-1 products from current medium resolution EUMETSAT sensors (such as AVHRR, SLSTR, OLCI) and should be easily extendable to near-future sensors like MetImage, etc.
The main project objectives are
- Generating and delivering a stand-alone environment for assessing the geolocation accuracy of moderate to high resolution optical satellite sensors.
- Developing, testing and documenting an automatic monitoring and reporting system for detecting and quantifying possible geolocation errors.
- Providing tools for continuously monitoring geolocation performance of image data as they are acquired and circulated to users.
- Enabling quick and reliable validation of new datasets in case of a change in the processing baseline for optical sensor products that might affect the geolocation accuracy.
- Evaluating the spectral and temporal registration accuracy and stability of EUMETSAT optical sensor payloads by analysing long time series.
Project Team: ENVEO IT GmbH
Project Contract Number: EUM/CO/18/4600002180/JML Order Nr. 4500017249
See also OSMON Webpage at EUMETSAT