FFG ASAP Projects
ASAP7 - CoReH2O SCIENCE (2010-2012)
Financed by the FFG/BMVIT, Austrian Space Applications Programme (ASAP) 7th Call, Prime Contractor ENVEO, Contract 828345.
ASAP6 - ASaG (2009-2012)
Preparation for a GMES Downstream Service for Snow and Glacier Monitoring in Alpine Regions. Financed by the FFG/ BMVIT, Austrian Space Applications Programme (ASAP) 6th Call, Prime Contractor ENVEO, Contract 819755.
ASAP6 - TripleM (2009-2011)
Development of Methods for Retrieval of Hydrology and Agricultural Parameters from Multi-Temporal, Multi-Sensoral and Multi-Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Data. Financed by the FFG/BMVIT, Austrian Space Applications Programme (ASAP) 6th Call, Contract 819679.
ASAP4 - KuX-SAR (2007-2009)
ASAP5 - AT-X (2007-2010)
Advanced Tools for TerraSAR-X Applications in GMES. Financed by the FFG/BMVIT, Austrian Space Applications Programme (ASAP) 5th Call, Prime Contractor ENVEO, Contract 817083 .