ASAP10 - Sentinel1 - InSAR (October 2014 - December 2016)
Development of Tools for Interferometric Processing of Sentinel-1 TOPS Mode data for Ground Motion Monitoring. Financed by the FFG/ BMVIT, Austrian Space Applications Programme (ASAP) 10th Call.
Prime Contractor ENVEO, Contract 844386.
The project aims at developing and implementing interferometric (InSAR) methods and software for generation of products on surface motion and deformation using Copernicus Sentinel-1 SAR TOPS (Terrain observation by Progressive Scans in azimuth direction) data implemented for the Interferometric Wide Swath mode (IWS) as standard operation mode. The project develops specific algorithms for efficient interferometric processing of TOPS mode data and methods for processing InSAR time series of multi-baseline SAR data. The application of the InSAR products is focussing at surface motion and deformation in landslide and subsidence areas, and on mapping of ice motion on glaciers and ice sheets for monitoring ice/climate interactions. The usefulness of the products and the potential for commercial and societal exploitation will be assessed in cooperation with application partners. The project contributes to the exploitation of the Sentinel-1 satellite by technical preparation for services in the fields of natural hazard monitoring and mitigation, and for monitoring impacts of climate change in support of environmental policy. Project Partners are Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, (JR) and the Austrian Institute for Technology GMBH, (AIT).