The Sen4Sci - Sentinel for Science Workhop has the goal to discuss scientific priorities and potential Science products derived from data of the Sentinel satellites, the upcoming operational Earth Observation satellite series of ESA and EC. The Workshop takes place from March 22 to March 24 2011 at ESRIN, Frascati. ENVEO as member of the Sentinel-4-Science project team is co-organizing the meeting with ESA and project members.
The new web-based ASaG Snow Information Service offers near-real-time snow extent information for the Alps. For members of the ASaG User group customized products are generated.
A scientific symposium on Cold Regions Hydrology, was held in Innsbruck, 28-30 April 2010. The objective of the workshop was to review and asses recent developments in observations and modeling of the water cycle and runoff in regions where contributions by snow and glaciers are essential.
The ASAP-4 Project KuX-SAR - Preparing for New High Frequency SAR Missions is presented in Forschungserfolge, the Annual Report 2008 of the Austrian Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft FFG (Beilage zu Standard, 25.3.2009).
CoReH2O has been selected by ESA together with 2 other missions for further scientific and technical investigations in Phase A.