The 2nd Dissemination Workshop of the EU FP7 project SEN3APP was successfully held on 19 April 2016 at the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) in Vienna, Austria. ENVEO presented the new wet snow cover service from Sentinel-1 data over the Alps, as well as fractional snow cover services for the Alpine and the Pan-European area from medium resolution optical satellite data. Additionally, glacier outliines and glacier facies retrieved from a Sentinel-2 scene acquired in August 2015 during the commissioning phase, and glacier ice velocity products over Greenland from Sentinel-1 data were presented by ENVEO.
All workshop presentations, also from other SEN3APP partners, are available from the SEN3APP project website, http://sen3app.fmi.fi/index.php?style=main&page=Workshop_2