Within the frame of the SnowPEX project the 2nd International Satellite Snow Product Intercomparison Workshop (ISSPI) will take place from 14 - 16 September 2015 at University Memorial Center (UMC), Main Campus, Colorado University Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
ENVEO is organizer and chair of the scientific committee of the 2nd ISSPI Workshop.
In the 1st International Satellite Snow Products Intercomparison Workshop, held at NOAA, Maryland, in July 2014, the community discussed and agreed on methods and protocols for intercomparison of products and their validation using reference data sets from various environments and surface types around the world. Overview and status on products and reference data sets are accessible at http://snowpex.enveo.at.
The 2nd International Workshop on Satellite Snow Products Intercomparison aims to present and discuss the current status of the snow products validation and intercomparison, to check the trend analysis and to elaborate guidelines for quantifying uncertainty estimates.
Registration is open until 31 July 2015. Participation at the workshop is free of charge. Online registration at registration page.
More Information can be found at the SnowPEX website: http://calvalportal.ceos.org/projects/snowpex.